Sports Bras: How to Find the Right Sports Bra and FAQ

Whether you’re flowing through your vinyasa, flexing your well-defined biceps or running a marathon, there’s one essential piece of gear every woman needs: a good sports bra.

Choosing the correct sports bra for your size, shape, and activity is key to your training. Despite this fact, many women find it difficult to know where to start when it comes to shopping for their ideal garment.

Luckily, we’ve got you covered. From getting fitted to learning the industry terms, here’s your complete guide to how to find the right sports bra.


Why Use Sports Bras?

The main reason to wear a sports bra is to make your workout more comfortable and, therefore, better. Research from Progressive Sports suggests that breast movement can cause discomfort in around 56% of women.

When you’re active, the last thing you want to worry about is pain and discomfort in your chest area. For that reason, you need to find a sports bra that gives you support and keeps your breasts in one position throughout.

The same research also found that the quality of a sports bra had a direct impact on your comfort. The study found that the cup, straps, and underband had a relationship with breast motion during exercise. And distressingly, that an ill-fitting sports bra or one that's not suited for your level of activity can actually run the risk of damaging the breast tissue. So protect your girls, girls!

Unsurprisingly, the more support each bra offered, the less discomfort women tended to feel. With that in mind, finding the most supportive sports bra for you should be a top priority. Investing in this type of sports gear is an absolute must!

When To Use Sports Bras?

Whenever you are exercising, you should wear a sports bra. However, it’s important to remember that not all of these bras are created equal. The bra you choose will depend largely on the type of exercise that you plan to do.

There are three types of sports bras out there; high-impact sports bra, medium impact sports bra, and low-impact sports bra. Later in this guide, we will discuss when you should wear each one of these sports bras and what activities they suit.

If you’re wondering when to use sports bras, you should consider the type of activity you plan on doing. In situations when you need to run, jump, or even simply walk, you may need a sports bra for extra support.

Needless to say, this is especially true for women who have larger breasts. Having a big chest means that your breast motion is likely to be higher than people with small chests. It’s all about working out what’s comfortable for you.


The Importance of Bra Fitting

Before we delve into the topic of finding the right sports bra, let’s tackle the issue of bra sizings. Back in 2008, a study found that a massive 80% of women typically wore the wrong bra size.

While there’s more education surrounding bra sizings these days, the likelihood is that many of us still make the mistake of failing to get measured regularly.

Your bra size changes frequently

Believe it or not, your bra size may change a whole lot over the course of your life. That is something of which many women are unaware. Hormone issues, weight changes, and age can all impact the size of your breasts.

It’s quite common that your bra size will fluctuate and change over time. It’s worth getting bra fittings every few months for that reason.

Incorrect sizes are uncomfortable

You might wonder what's the problem with wearing an incorrect size. The truth of the matter is that, if you want the right level of support and comfort, you need to make sure you’re wearing the right size for you.

Should the bra be too tight, you will find that it’s difficult to perform some of the most common exercises without feeling restricted. On the other hand, if the size is too large, your breasts may bounce when you’re active.

Booking a fitting is free and easy

If you haven’t been professionally fitted for quite some time, you might not be certain where to start. The fact of the matter is that most lingerie shops and department stores offer a complementary fitting service.

Search for a shop near you that has this service and then book online or call them up. The fitting should take no longer than 20-30 minutes and will give you an accurate understanding of your bra size.

See our range of sports bras >


How To Find The Correct Bra Size

Short on time? If you need to figure out your bra size in a hurry, you might want to try measuring yourself at home. You will need a tape measure to get this right. Take your top or blouse off, but leave your everyday bra on. Here’s what you need to know about how to measure yourself for an accurate bra size.

How to find your band size

First of all, let’s deal with your band size. This particular measurement is the number that you will find at the beginning of a typical UK standard bra size. For example, if your current bra size is a 34C, your band size will be 34.

Simply, wrap the tape measure about your ribs just below the bottom of your bra. Make sure that you keep the tape close to your skin. You need to span the entire circumference of your body.

When you have your band size in inches, you can convert that to a number using the following guidelines.

  • Rib cage 25”-27”, band size 30
  • Rib cage 27”-29”, band size 32
  • Rib cage 29”-31”, band size 34
  • Rib cage 31”-33, band size 36
  • Rib cage 33”-35”, band size 38
  • Rib cage 35”-37”, band size 40
  • Rib cage 37”-39”, band size 42
  • Rib cage 39”-41”, band size 44

How to find your cup size

When you have identified what your band size is, it’s time to move on and figure out your cup size. This is the letter that you find after the number. If we use the same example of someone who is 34C, their cup size will be C.

Use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your back and your breasts. Then take away your band size to get your breast size.

So, if your band size was 35 inches and this new measurement is 41 inches, you need to take 35 away from 41. Your breast size will be 6 inches. When you have found your size in inches, convert it to a cup size here.

  • Breast size 3”, cup size AA
  • Breast size 4”, cup size A
  • Breast size 5”, cup size B
  • Breast size 6”, cup size C
  • Breast size 7”, cup size D
  • Breast size 8”, cup size DD
  • Breast size 9”, cup size E
  • Breast size 10”, cup size F

The entire process should only take you a few minutes but make sure it’s accurate. When you have finished, you should have a number and a letter. Combine these two things to create your overall bra size.

How To Measure Your Sports Bra Size

When you first start browsing sports bras, you will notice one thing. They are not always available in the same sizes as regular bras. Much of the time, they will come in XS, S, M, or L instead.

That could be confusing if you’re used to getting bras in a particular size. Never fear, you simply have to convert your bra size to a sports bra size. While sizes may vary from brand to brand, the table below is a good indicator of which bra is right for you.

Bra Size































How Should A Sports Bra Feel?

If you’ve never invested in a sports bra before now, you might need a little guidance. Finding the ideal garment for you is something of a process.

It’s smart to try on a wide range of options before you decide on which to buy. With that in mind, here are three questions that may arise when trying on a new sports bra.

Should a sports bra be comfortable?

Your comfort should be your top priority when you’re choosing a sports bra. From lifting weights to running track, you will do a whole range of activities while wearing this piece of clothing. Before you choose the right bra for you, be sure to try on a range of options.

It’s important to note that sports bras may not be as comfortable as your regular bra, especially if you tend to wear a high-support bra, which offer less digging in of straps.

The reason is that sports bras serve a different purpose. They need to be tight and firm to make sure that your breasts stay in one position.

Should a sports bra be flexible?

If you have the correct bra size, the one that you choose ought to be flexible as well as comfortable. That means that you should have no issue moving around when you’re wearing it. Again, it could be worth trying it on and testing your movement range here.

Since you will be moving around frequently during exercise, you need a sports bra that will support that motion. You’re going to twist, jump, and bend down.

If your bra restricts any of your movement, you will have a problem during your workout. The problem could lead to pain and discomfort that will hinder your activity and could impact your performance.

Are sports bras supposed to be tight?

Without a doubt, you need your sports bra to be supportive. As a golden rule, it should be the most supportive piece of underwear that you own. Research from the University of Portsmouth found that commercial (i.e. non-sports bras) allow up to a 21-centimetre breast bounce rate during sports.

With that in mind, the ideal sports bra should hold your breasts close to your chest and prevent any bouncing when you move. You can test this when you try on a variety of sports bras by jumping up and down. It might feel silly but it’s worth it.

How Should A Sports Bra Fit?

Now that you’re comfortable with your bra size and know how the bra should feel, it’s time to consider how your sports bra should fit. Unlike other bras, this garment should sit a little closer to your skin and keep your breasts from moving too much when you’re active.

When you first slip on a sports bra, there are some quick and easy ways to figure out if the fit is secure.

The cup should cover your entire breast

Does the cup fit you correctly? To find out, you only need to look at the fit of your sports bra. Each cup should fully encompass your breast. Should your breasts spill over the top of the cups, you are likely wearing a small fit. Trying going up a bra size.

The band should not move at all

When the bra is on, take a moment to raise both of your arms above your head. Should the band size be a little too large, the band will rise with your arms. In that case, you should measure your rib cage again and consider opting for a size down.

You should not feel any chafing

Next, let’s talk about the material. If you feel that it chafes in any way or rubs your skin, you might want to consider looking for another sports bra. Needless to say, you will be moving around a great deal when wearing this garment, and so comfort is key.

The straps should be a little flexible

Contrary to popular belief, the support of a bra does not come from the straps. Some women make the mistake of believing that the tighter the straps are, the more support and lift they will get.

That is simply not the case. When the fit is right, you should be able to stick two fingers between the straps and your skin. If you can’t do so, they are too tight.


Sports Bra Impact Level Guide

The impact level you choose will depend on the type of activity you plan on doing. If you enjoy all sports equally, you may need to get one of each so you can swap and change.

However, if you tend to stick to the same types of activity, you could find that one sports bra does it all. It is also worth noting that the impact level you need will depend on your bust size.

If you have a bigger bust, you may find that low and medium impact sports bras do not provide enough support and you might have to opt for a high support sports bra.

For anyone with a smaller bust, a low to medium impact sports bra could provide the support you need, even for high impact activities. Let's move on to what you need to know about each impact level and when you might need them.

High-Impact Sports Bras

Do you love running on the treadmill, speed-hiking up hills, and hitting up an aerobics class? If the answer is yes, yes, and yes, you might need a high-impact sports bra.

These bras offer the top level of support which means that they are ideal for up-tempo workouts. The brand you ultimately choose may come down to the impact level you need.

For example, top-end brands such as Sweaty Betty, Nike and Goodmove often boast excellent high-impact sports bras. It’s worth taking some time to browse their collections.

So, where should you start when it comes to shopping? Of course, there’s a wide range of high-impact sports bras from which to choose. You may want to invest in a high support sports bra, a zip-front sports bra or even a front-fastening sports bra.

Finding the best sports bra for running doesn’t have to be a chore. Let’s take a look at some of the best high-impact sports bras and which you should choose for your needs.

Check out our collection of high impact sports bras >

Different Styles of Sports Bras

Do you know your encapsulation bras from your compression bras? If not, we’ve got you covered. At first glance, you might find these names a little bamboozling. Don’t let them spook you. Let’s take a look at what each of these terms means.

Medium-Impact Sports Bras

From skiing to cycling, medium-impact sports bras can help keep you supported during some of the most popular sports and activities. These are the next level down from high-impact bras but still offer you a decent level of compression and support.

If you’re looking for the right sports bra, you may find that choosing a fashion-forward option is the way to go. Brand Adidas by Stella McCartney or eco-favourite Girlfriend Collective are two examples of companies that provide both stylish and comfortable bras.

Looking for a medium impact sports bra to suit your activity? It doesn’t have to be hard. There are many excellent medium support sports bra options out there, and so you have a wide range from which to choose.

To help you along the way, let’s take a look at some of our favourite medium impact sports bras and what makes them unique.

See our range of medium impact sports bras >

Low-Impact Sport Bras

Are you a fully fledged yogi? Or, alternatively, are you currently embarking on a strength training routine? These sports don’t involve fast-paced motions, which means that the bra you will need is likely to be a low-impact sports bra.

Luckily, there’s a broad variety of fashionable yet supportive bras that will easily fit the bill here. For instance, the fabulous Beyond Yoga brand has a range of ‘studio bras,’ which could be ideal when you’re searching for low-impact choices.

If you’re in search of the best low-impact and yoga bras, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got a list of some of the most supportive and comfortable bras for every single session.

Whether you’re hitting up a yoga class or simply doing some weight training, you need a bra that you can trust. Here are our top picks.

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Encapsulated Sports Bras vs. Compression Sports Bras

Do you know your encapsulation bras from your compression bras? If not, we’ve got you covered. At first glance, you might find these names a little bamboozling. Don’t let them spook you. Let’s take a look at what each of these terms means.

Do you know your encapsulation bras from your compression bras? If not, we’ve got you covered. At first glance, you might find these names a little bamboozling. Don’t let them spook you. Let’s take a look at what each of these terms means.

  • Encapsulation Sports Bras

Boasting separate cups, the encapsulation bra is a comfortable and supportive option. Most low-impact sports bras fall into this category as there is unlikely to be any level of compression here.

However, these bras give you a natural form and work for sports, such as yoga, pilates, and walking.

  • Compression Sports Bras

As the name suggests, a compression sports bra compresses your breasts towards your chest. They will usually take the form of one piece of material or panels, but are not likely to have separate cups.

These types of sports bra are most suitable for low-impact or medium-impact sports, like jogging or weight lifting.

  • Combination Sports Bras

Also known as compression/encapsulation sports bras, the combination choice offers the best of both worlds. These bras will give you a certain level of compression while also separating your breasts with cups.

Combo sports bras are ideal for high-impact activity such as running or aerobic exercise.

Sports Bra FAQ

Scratching your head? If you’ve got a burning conundrum that you need solving, you need look no further. We’ve got you covered right here, right now. Without further ado, here’s everything you need to know when it comes to sports bras and yoga bras.

Can sports bras cause neck pain?

The short answer is that it shouldn’t! If you’re feeling neck pain as a result of wearing a certain sports bra, the chances are that the fit isn’t right for you.

The likeliest cause of your neck pain is that the straps of your sports bra are digging into your shoulder. That means that there is excess pressure on your upper body.

You may find that altering the straps helps relieve this discomfort. However, if that is not the case, you should get an expert bra fitting and ensure that you are wearing the right size for you.

Which sports bra is best for gym?

Everyday gym sessions will usually require a medium-impact sports bra. However, if you plan to do some high-intensity activity, such as hitting the treadmill at full speed, you might want to kick things up a gear. In that case, you may need to get a high-impact sports bra.

Which sports bra is best for running?

Typically, running calls for a high-impact sports bra that will give you the support that you need. This is especially important if you have larger breasts. When you run, the chances of your breasts moving is high. Getting a compression sports bra will ensure your comfort.

What sports bra is best for large bust?

Choosing the right sports bra for a large bust depends on the type of activity you are doing. If you are engaging in high or medium-impact activity, you may find that you need a high-impact sports bra.

For low-impact workouts, you can choose either a low-impact or medium-impact bra. As mentioned previously, a bigger bust may benefit from opting for a high to medium impact rather than low support sports bras.

Regardless, you should try a variety of sports bras and see what works for you.

What sports bra has the best support?

High-impact sports bras and compression bras will generally offer the best level of support. You should also look for a bra that has a racerback design and a thick, sturdy band to make sure that you get the best results. Investing in quality means you get more support.

How to wash sports bras?

You should pay close attention to the instructions given by each brand. You have two choices. You can either hand-wash your sports bra and leave it to dry naturally or use a cooler cycle and leave it to dry naturally. Take care when washing these items!

How often should sports bras be washed?

The answer depends on how often you wear your sports bra! If you don’t sweat much during a workout, you don’t need to wash your sports bra after every activity.

However, in general terms, you should wash your sports bra at least once every couple of weeks.

How long should sports bras last?

Sports bras can last a matter of six months to a year. However, as soon as you start to notice that the support is lacking, you need to replace your sports bra. The more you wear your bra, the faster you will need to replace it in the long-run. It’s that simple.

How often should sports bras be replaced?

When you need to replace your sports bra will depend on its quality and how often you tend to use it. However, as soon as you notice that the bra is not giving you the support you need, you should replace it.

As though that weren’t enough, other telltale signs include discolouration and a loss of elasticity. Keep your eyes peeled for these problems.

sports bras


Now that you’re well-versed in how to find the right sports bra, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get yourself measured before shopping for a garment that gives you the ultimate level of comfort and support.

Getting this baseline requirement in the bag could help improve your training game more than you know.

Ready to get the support you need? Check out our comprehensive range of sports bras >